Wednesday, August 22, 2012

...And Now We Know

Monday was my first prenatal appointment. Not as bad as the books made it out to be- and it didn't take nearly as long as I thought. A little poking, prodding, and of course blood samples, but all in all it was pretty easy going. I even had my first sonogram- my doctor ordered it to date the pregnancy. Since I have irregularly long cycles (tmi... I know) my doctor said that traditional dating probably wouldn't be very accurate. She was right.

According to traditional dating I would have been 7 weeks at my Monday appointment, but according to the lady who did my sonogram I was only at about 5 weeks 3 days. She had a hard time finding the baby because it was so small. No worries though! She did find my little one (please note that yes it was only one praise Jesus!) Added bonus: our little one was just big enough for use to see it's HEART beating!

 I mentioned my worries about miscarriage to my doctor and she was very kind to explain exactly what to look for and what's normal versus what isn't. She even had first hand experience she described to me (she explained that her first pregnancy was a miscarriage). She assured me that while there is always a small chance that something could go wrong, that small chance got much smaller once you see the heart beating. WHEW! That little heart beating gave me the courage to tell our parents about the pregnancy.

So that was the up side of pregnancy news lately... the down side: I feel awful more often than before. It's not just in the afternoons anymore, it's morning, afternoon, and evening.

I'm feeling alright today (which means well enough to sit on my chair and get up occasionally to refill my cup or get a snack without feeling like throwing up on the way). I think having a clean home made a big difference. I have always sworn that a clean environment helps you feel better. Today the girl I called last week to come clean came for the first time. She is amazing! She didn't just clean my house, she organized as she went.  My closet has been a mess for almost a month now and it's spotless and organized now. She even did laundry! My dishes are clean, my clothes are clean, and my home is clean : ) Its downright lovely and worth every penny we paid her. I've been reading a lot of books that tell me not to worry so much about my home getting dirty right now and that its more important to be getting plenty of rest. I agree that resting is better than cleaning, but if you can scrape the money to get help, its MUCH better to rest and have a clean home.