Thursday, September 13, 2012

My gummybear

Yesterday was a follow up appointment. My doctor ordered a second ultrasound since the dating from the last ultrasound was so far off from my LMP dating. We were excited since the first one wasn't very eventful- not much to see.

Second ultrasound went great! Growth of the baby was consistent with the previous ultrasound. I'm at 8 weeks 7 days! The lady who did my ultrasound was great about pointing out all the little developments my baby has made. She said he's the about the size of a gummy bear right now. I like that. A huge portion of his body is his head, the rest is pretty much just his heart, and there are little leg and arm buds. When we were watching the screen our little gummy bear was squirming around and dancing a little jig, truly Cameron's child : )

My doctor called after she got the ultrasound to say that everything looks good and that baby gummybear's heart beat was 170bpm. Best part of all: this time I got a picture! It's hard to see, but still, it's exciting.

My doctor still seems concerned that the dating was like 10 days off. She said she will probably order one more ultrasound in a few weeks just to be extra safe. Also, she insists that I find an OB in San Antonio. She seems really against me trying to come back to Longview to have the baby. Cameron and I started talking about the idea on the drive back. It would make things so much easier if all of this was happening in San Antonio since we wouldn't have to make so many drives (which cost money) and Cameron wouldn't to have to ask for as much time off. I don't know. There are some major pluses to doing all of this in San Antonio- along with being more cost effective it would also be much more convenient- I just still really don't like the idea of my baby being born here.I had always hoped that my baby would get to be born and raised in the same place.

I've really been struggling with holding on to Longview. We haven't made friends here in San Antonio, we haven't gotten involved in a church, and I think part of it is intentional- because who wants to invest their time and effort in relationships that are temporary? An old friend of Cameron's was in town not long ago and met us for dinner- we expressed these things to him and he pretty much just told us that we were wrong. We aren't promised tomorrow so we have to live each day to the fullest. He said that investing in relationships is what God called us to do. He said we have to live life where God has put us. He made some good points. We dearly miss our friends and church family in Longview and can't wait to get back, but until God brings us back, it's time to start living our lives here. I'm not sure where to start with that, but I think it starts with calling an OB and accepting that God knew when and where I'd be when He blessed us with this pregnancy and He chose the time and place for a reason.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree with that wisdom! It's taken me a while to come to the point that I want to get involved with our church because I was still caught up in my old church. God has you there for a reason and enjoying the journey of finding out why! LOve you're lil gummy bear!
