I slept twelve hours and I don't feel one shred of guilt. I feel like a new person. This has been the BEST morning. I woke up feeling alive. I was HUNGRY! and get this, I actually had the energy to microwave some leftovers and eat. I took meds without gagging! I don't have a headache.
I think I haven't been sleeping enough. We've been going to bed really late and I've only been getting like 7hrs of sleep each night (which is NEVER enough for me, even before pregnancy). I haven't been taking naps the last week either. Perhaps that's why I've been feeling so sick and tired and had headaches. I've been miserable the past few days and now I feel like I did before I started getting sick. Still some nausea and can't push myself much, but I don't feel like I'm dying. I can eat small amounts. It's BEAUTIFUL!
So for the next week I'm going to try this: sleep. I will go to bed early. I will take naps. I will NOT push myself, even if I am feeling "good." I will rest and take it easy.
I want to feel well enough to be thoughtful of others. When I get miserable the whole world becomes about me and I forget to be appreciative of all that I have- especially Cameron. He is long over due for some kind words. That's my goal today: to say kind words to my husband.
Yes! Sleep is so very necessary! Remember, you're growing organs and such! It takes a lot out of a person to do that! I def was tired and slept every chance I got! I felt like my life was sleeping, but it's for the baby!