I LOVE Dr. Dudley! That has probably been the most enjoyable Dr. visit I've ever been to. I felt like I was speaking with someone who was not only an authority, but also respected me and was incredibly understanding.
He sat down and seriously just spent time talking with me about my pregnancy, my time in San Antonio, what to expect, what to look for, how to deal with my symptoms and where to go if I have any issues. He was very honest about the pros and cons of the hospital he works with for delivery which helped me a lot (I wasn't thrilled with pretty much being forced to use this hospital simply because the others don't want to deal with a "high risk," but he set my mind at ease by showing me how to work things to my advantage).
He was super eager to offer me relief options for symptoms and even worries, but didn't feel the need to pressure me. (My doctor in Longview is always pushing meds for symptoms when I sometimes would rather avoid unnecessary meds- especially now with my little gummy bear). When I mentioned my aversion to unnecessary meds he was quick to support my feelings on the issue while making me feel that it would still be ok to ask for meds if I change my mind later. He offered to do another ultrasound if I was worried (because I mentioned my miscarriage fears) but his confidence and willingness to ease my fears made me feel so much better about everything, so I told him that an ultrasound wasn't necessary.
Pregnancy "emergencies" are not handled by the emergency room- and in fact, I was told to absolutely avoid that entire floor at all costs unless I am in a car wreck. Pregnant women have a separate place to go on a different floor. Although if I do get in a car wreck, the emergency room is the best place to go- he said that people in San Antonio are horrible drivers and that I should avoid driving as much as possible and gave a little speech on the importance of always wearing a safety belt. He has several patients EVERY YEAR that end up in car wrecks. (That's a bit unsettling!)
Overall I left feeling like someone really cared. Like no matter what happens he's going to be there for me and take care of things. I felt safe and relaxed.
He said I have about two-four more weeks of these yucky symptoms then they should start to go away : )
I go back in four weeks for a check up, then three weeks later will be the full scan ultrasound where they will spend a lot of time examining my gummy bear to make sure he/she is developing properly and we will hopefully find out the gender then : ) Of course it will be November by then, but still- that's only seven weeks away!
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